About Skye

Skye Pickering, is the Owner and Manager of Living Equine, a new online Equine Hub, where the equine community can share, educate, promote and have fun while living their equine lifestyle.

As a young married woman who was bitten by the horse disease from pretty much day dot, she lives and breathes her love of horses every day.
Skye has a Diploma in Horse Industry (Performance Horse), Certificate III in Horse Industry (Performance Horse) and Certificate II in Agriculture. She also has Academic credits in Graphic Design, being accepted for both early round and main round offers for UWS Graphic Design from her HSC Marks in Visual Arts and Industrial Technology Multimedia.

She has ridden horses since she was 3 years old, and has had the honour and pleasure of owning at least one horse at any given time since she was 4.
Her Grandfather (Pop) was a Drover/ Saddler/ Horseman and Skye learnt a lot from him, he inspired her beyond words! Her parents are not as “horsey” as her, but have been extremely supportive in allowing Skye to fulfil her dreams and her love for the Equestrian life and being involved with horses in general.

As a teenager, Skye was a member of her local Pony Club, her passion, skills and knowledge were only nurtured further, as she attended many events and Rally Days during her time with the Pony Club where she was exposed to many disciplines. In the past 5 years while studying and gaining her Diploma and Certificates, Skye has continued to work in the Horse Industry with a number of Show Jumping Studs in the Hawkesbury Area of New South Wales, this has guaranteed that she has the knowledge and skills of the Equestrian World both in theory and practice!

This upbringing and background brings her to Living Equine, to quote Skye “I guess I’m the same as any person who just wants to continue my involvement and to contribute to my passion and love of horses and the Equestrian Industry”

Skye wanted to go out on her own and share, promote and contribute to the world of horses that provides so many people with joy and happiness, and after a lot of soul searching, seeking advice and the need to put her knowledge and experience to good use. She spent a lot of time researching, developing and finally launching Living Equine in August 2017.

Please feel free to visit this link to a Vlog that stars on our Facebook Page, to be introduced through Video by Skye: Introducing Living Equine